Hickory Grove
Dunlap, IL 61525
The subdivision of Hickory Grove is located near the intersection of Allen Road and Hickory Grove Road. It offers some nice affordable options for single family ranch and two story style homes. The western side of the subdivision has some more compact lots, while the eastern side offers larger lots. It is right across the street from Dunlap's newest elementary school, Hickory Grove Elementary. The subdivision is boarded on the south by the Dover Pointe neighborhood, east by the Northtrail Meadows subdivision, and the Northbrook subdivision on the north. There is also a smaller portion of the neighborhood that offers attached single family homes. This was a one builder development, with all of the homes being built by the same builder. The proximity to the school is a big plus, and the nearby Peoria Park District of Northtrail Meadows is also a nice feature. From Hickory Grove to downtown Dunlap, it's about 20-25 minutes, depending on the route, which can be accessed by Route 6, or by simply taking Knoxville Avenue. Hickory Grove Subdivision is about 10 minutes from Caterpillar's Mossville facility. It is also close to Banner Elementary School (Dunlap) and Greenview Nursery, which will take care of all of your landscaping needs, and child care facilities. Hickory Grove is located in the city of Peoria, Dunlap school district, and has a Dunlap address.
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To see the number of homes for sale, click here.
To see the number of pending sales, click here.
To see the number of closed sales, click here.
To see the average days on market for the month, click here.
To see the months supply of homes for sale, click here.
To see the percentage, on average, of listing price to selling price ratio, click here.
To see the average price per square foot (above grade), click here.
To see the total dollar volume, representing the total dollars closed/sold in the neighborhood for the month, click here.
To see the number of showings, on average, it took to go from active to pending status, click here.
To see the number of showings, per listing in the neighborhood, click here.